The RMO is structured into five units under the Office of the Director namely:
- Research and Policy Development;
- Research Integrity;
- Research Links,
- Finance; and
- Legal
Organizational Chart

1. Research Development & Policy Unit
The principal functions of the Research Development Unit shall be to:
- Promote and coordinate collaboration among researchers;
- Develop capacity of researchers in proposal writing, research methodology and report writing;
- Review and approve proposals for submission to sponsors/funding agencies;
- Disseminate information on funding initiatives and opportunities to the University’s research community;
- Identify academic staff research interests and establish links with potential sponsors;
- Assist researchers in preparing, writing and packaging proposals;
- Maintain a searchable database of research funding information;
- Operate a searchable database of researchers and their research interests;
- Maintain a searchable database of all ongoing and completed research activities;
- Publish highlights of ongoing research activities;
- Draft, review and present research related MOUs;
- Maintain proposals and awards databases;
- Prepare and submit annual reports to the Director.
2. Finance Unit
The principal functions of the Finance Unit shall be to:
- Work with the Grants Section and Audit Unit of the Bursary to facilitate the financial management of grants;
- Maintain a database of all funds received for research by the University
- Advise researchers on relevant financial processes and regulations;
- Send out timely alerts to researchers in line with financial requirements of contract agreements;
- Work with relevant units, especially the Research Development & Policy Unit, regarding budgetary aspects of research proposals;
- Assist in performing closeout procedures for grants and awards and retain records;
- Prepare and submit annual reports to the Director.
3. Research Ethics and Integrity Unit
The principal functions of the Research Integrity Unit shall be to:
- Coordinate and monitor procedures on research using human subjects and animals;
- Monitor policies relating to research conduct and integrity;
- Supervise compliance with ethical regulations guiding research;
- Assist researchers in research and instruction related compliance concerns;
- Ensure that animal care facilities are maintained in compliance with policy regulations;
- Monitor and consult with the University organ in charge of environmental health regulations relating to potential biological, chemical, radiation and recombinant DNA hazards;
- Provide administrative support for the relevant ethical review boards;
- Ensure that monitoring and evaluation is conducted for each research project;
- Prepare and submit annual reports to the Director.
4. Research Links Unit
The principal functions of the Research Links Unit shall be to:
- Identify private sector research needs which may be met through collaboration with University of Ibadan researchers;
- Facilitate linkages with the private sector for the sponsorship of research conducted in the University;
- Provide a directory of private sector research development activities;
- Liaise with faculty and departmental research development officers;
- Liaise with relevant university units such as the Postgraduate School, Office of International Programmes, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and the Legal Unit regarding research related matters.
- Prepare and submit annual reports to the Director.
5. Legal Unit
The principal function of the Legal Unit shall be to provide high quality legal service to the RMO. In particular, the Legal Unit shall
- Ensure that the legal interest of the University is adequately protected and safeguarded in all research contracts/MOUs;
- Provide legal advice, opinion and guidance to the RMO on matters pertaining to research contracts/MOUs;
- Advise the RMO on University legislation and policies relating to research contracts;
- Assist the RMO in drafting, perusing, vetting, finalizing and
- Interpreting legal documentation relating to research contracts/MOUs;
- Provide the RMO with legal advice on the federal laws, University
- Policy and other relevant legal issues pertaining to intellectual property rights, copyrights, patents, trademarks, inventions and their commercialization;
- Provide legal support to the Ethical Research Review Board (ERRB);
- Prepare and submit annual reports to the Director of RMO
Research Management Office, Pro Chancellor's lodge
University of Ibadan, Ibadan